Ready to own your career story and love what you do?
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Uncover your strengths. Explore your interests. Write your action plan. Own your career story.
Age 16-25 yrs - Take the Morrisby Profile assessment
Wondering what subjects or course to choose, what interests you, or how you want to contribute to the world?
If these questions resonate with you, the Morrisby Profile assessment is a science and research-based career guidance tool that will help you make informed decisions about study and/or career options.
Photo Credit: CHUTTERSNAP on Unsplash
Take a strengths profile assessment
find out how
Photo Credit: Daniel Norin on Lummi
design your next move
Tired of being in the same role, or perhaps looking for more meaning to what it is you do? Are you facing a specific career challenge that you’d like to explore?
Photo Credit: Steph Meade on Lummi
If you’re new here, welcome! Are you ready to design your Career Story? I am super passionate about helping you uncover your unique strengths, interests and untapped potential. Basically, I’ll help you to explore your "what" and "why" and guide you towards designing a career story that is right for you!
“I no longer feel stuck!”
"I thought everybody could do those things, now I know they are my strengths. Completing the Morrisby Profile has helped me to better understand my strengths, interests and study options. Kathy didn't just tell me what to study, instead she helped me to... take action".
— theo, 17 years old
I would love to have a chat with you, whether you are a young person or caregiver of a young person needing to define their career story, or whether you are at a crossroad in your career, or just want to understand yourself better - head over to the Services page, to see which scenario would best fit your situation or email me to book in a time for a chat.
want to know more?
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